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Welcome! - About the Author

Welcome to my home page. My goal is to gather as much information as possible on the ADAMS family line from Berks, Schuylkill, Northumberland, and Columbia County, Pennsylvania. This region is located along the Susquehanna River in East Central Pennsylvania.
I hope to be able to exchange information with those who are researching the same line of ancestors in the region. The gathering of facts for my research has taken much of my so-called "spare time" but I have found genealogy very rewarding. Although my business career takes much of my daytime hours, I still try to find time in the evening, at the computer, to compile the information.
For those of you interested in additional information about myself and photos from my community, try this link to my personal page.
This home page is always changing with the addition of new information and links, so please bear with me while I work to offer a worthwhile place to browse on the net.
For quality digital reprints and photo restoration, please consider my services at
To visit my personal web page at, please visit The Adams Family in Columbia County, PA at

Local Resources

There are numerous local historical and genealogical societies in the region. However, please limit your inquiries to the resources listed below. These organizations are staffed by volunteers and have limited manpower to perform extensive searches.
Many are open to non-members who may be in the area and offer their resources for a daily library usage fee. Their days and hours of operation vary and will be listed when I have such information. If hours are listed, they are accurate as of my last update to the page.
Although every effort is made to keep the information current, please don't hold me responsible if incorrect. Some inquiries they receive by mail may be mentioned in their newsletters.


Regional Resources

History Bookshelf

For a list of some of the most popular publications on the history of my local region,
link to my History Bookshelf.

Other Genealogy Links

Note: An extensive selection of links will not be maintained.
Those pages featuring a larger number of links themselves, are shown below.





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Local Genealogy Home Pages

Note: This section lists Home Pages with genealogy references specific to my region of Eastern Pennsylvania.

Local Internet Communities

Note: This section lists my geographical region's Internet Communities.

My Line of Research

The family information that I am researching is that of ANTHONY ADAM, who arrived in America, 1741, from Germany. He settled in Berks County with four sons; ABRAHAM ADAM, ANTHONY ADAM (2), BERNHARDT ADAM, and PETER ADAM.

This is where it becomes confusing. ANTHONY ADAM had four sons. Their names are shown above. ANTHONY's son, ANTHONY ADAM (2), also had four sons. Their names were; ANTHONY ADAM (3), ABRAHAM ADAM, PETER ADAM, and JACOB ADAM.

The similarity in names creates quite a problem for me. There is conflicting information and only by researching wills, church records and other sources, will I be able to verify the difference and confirm the names. For additional information on this line, see The family of Anthony Adam.


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Last update on June 9, 2008.

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